Dr. Tague’s Weight Loss Program
A customized approach as well as personal care with one-on-one, individual consultations with a real medical doctor who specializes in helping people just like you pursue optimal weight and metabolic health.
Addresses common problems like excessive appetite, food cravings, chronic overeating, “yo-yo” dieting, stress or emotional eating, sluggish metabolism, and so much more – all under the supervision of a licensed medical physician.
Dr. Tague and his team can design a powerful nutrition plan specifically for you that will help you lose excess weight, deal with important medical conditions like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, and help keep you in control of your health.
Our Mission
Empowering patients to achieve and maintain optimal weight and metabolic health.
Realizing the power and necessity of excellent nutrition to achieve optimal health, Dr. Tague has devoted his career to developing and providing the professional services, products, and resources necessary to assist individuals in the pursuit of health and wellness through the power of nutrition and proper lifestyle.
By understanding how one’s metabolism, general health and body weight can often be managed through the power of nutrition, Dr. Tague has designed a “state of the art” nutrition and weight management program that is now available to individuals without a referral from their primary care physician.