The Real Answer May Surprise You!
Have you ever met anyone who wanted to gain an excessive, unhealthy amount of weight? Of course not! In fact, excessive weight gain is one of the most unwanted of medical problems.
Some studies have shown that most people would choose blindness over obesity. Many would even choose to lose an arm or leg rather than suffer the emotional and physical pain of obesity.
So why does excessive weight gain happen? It’s just not “logical” and it doesn’t make sense… until the actual cause is understood.
I often ask patients why they think they’ve become overweight. Too often the answer is predictable. “I’m just too lazy to exercise.” But the fact remains that the daily behaviors of overweight individuals are typical of most Americans.
95% of Americans do not exercise regularly, even though they are aware of the health benefits. So NOT exercising can’t be the primary cause.
Many of my patients struggling with their weight actually spend more time at the gym and working out than thin people I know. A patient I saw this week, who is more than 50 lbs overweight, regularly exercises 5 hours a week!
Fact: My patients ARE NOT lazy people!
So, not exercising is not the primary cause of obesity. Otherwise, 95% of Americans would be obese! The other common response is, “Dr. Tague, I guess I just have no self-control!” And yet my patients are often super achievers, leading disciplined lives in every area of life. They include attorneys, CEO’s, community leaders, physicians, and other individuals who are very disciplined… except with their eating. My patients tend to be successful in their careers, their families, and in their personal lives.
Further, I’ve never seen any research to support the notion that overweight individuals suffer from a general lack of “self-control”. It’s just not the case.
Overweight Cause #1:
An excessive appetite will ALWAYS win over self-control, and it invariably leads to excessive weight gain.
Research confirms that very common causes of being overweight are overwhelming food cravings and a lack of fullness after eating a normal meal. These abnormal appetite tendencies are based on genetic family tendencies 70% of the time.
You see, an excessive, abnormal appetite is not the result of a character deficiency. Appetite excesses are rooted in unwanted brain chemistry imbalances, often the result of genetics, stress, medications, and/or inadequate nutrient intake.
Overweight Cause #2:
Slow metabolism tendencies are the other very common cause of unwanted weight gain.
Fatigue, low energy, depressed mood, and excessive weight gain are all very common with a sluggish metabolism, and they can sabotage the quality of life of otherwise healthy individuals.
A slow metabolism tendency is also often genetic in origin. However, aging, nutrient deficiencies, hormone imbalances, medications, and stress are among the other common causes.
Quality of life and health suffers whenever a sluggish metabolism shows up. It is undesirable on several levels!
Knowing the above facts led me to develop our comprehensive approach to weight loss that addresses appetite, metabolism, and nutrition, simultaneously. I am convinced that unless this comprehensive approach is taken, weight loss will be limited or non-existent over the long term.
After identifying the appetite and metabolism factors that have contributed to unwanted weight gain, I then recommend specific, powerful strategies to control them. This approach delivers success when typical diets have failed. It is also why our patients on my most aggressive plans lose, on average, 43 lbs in 12 weeks! And, as long as they continue on our program, they typically continue to lose and/or keep excess weight off!
Begin your journey of controlling your weight and health destiny as never before. It’s easy to schedule your no obligation, educational visit. Click here to sign up for an introductory consultation with one of our professional staff!
For Optimum Health,
Rick Tague, MD, MPH & TM
Specialist in Nutrition & Obesity Medicine